2 Chronicles 17 &18 011724
Last week we saw the death of King Asa, a pretty good king until the end. In the end we saw him rely on his own strength and the strength of others, instead of relying on the Lord.
Tonight, we are going to be introduced to his son, and next king. King Jehoshaphat. We are going to read about his continuance in creating fertile ground for revival and he will be blessed for his obedience and faith in the Lord.
However, we are also going to read about a very strange encounter between King Jehoshaphat and King Ahab of Israel. We are going to see King Jehoshaphat folly, in that, he will compromise and people please to the detriment of his faith.
King Jehoshaphat will be talked into going to war with Syria, even though a prophet of the Lord said not to go. We will see him put himself in a very vulnerable position, and almost be killed, just so he did not rock the boat with King Ahab.