2 Peter 3:1-10
This morning we are going to be starting the last chapter in the Book of 2 Peter.
Have you ever been waiting for something, and it seemed like it was taking forever. Maybe it was a Valentine's day gift you ordered that still hasn't arrived. Maybe it was the vacation that you had planned, and it seemed like forever before you could finally take off work and go on vacation. Sometimes it is difficult and frustrating to wait for something that is out of your control.
In our text this morning, we're going to see Peter addressing an issue that has to do with waiting for something that is out of our control. He is going to be addressing an issue the false teachers were using to claim that Christians were wrong in their faith. These false teachers were taking a central tenet of the Christian faith and attacking its validity to draw others into following their fake man-made faith. The problem was that they were using faulty logic and an erroneous premise to make their argument.
The false teachers were stating that Christ was not going to return. They stated that if He was going to return, He would have done so already. They thought that the world would just continue to turn without any sort of judgment or any divine intervention, because that's what the universe has always done.
Peter is going to be attacking their argument by reminding them of two cataclysmic events that were caused by divine intervention in the universe. Peter will also address the fact that these false teachers didn't know the character or nature of God so their premise that "Christ is not going to return because He would have done so by now" is already faulty.