2 Peter 2:18-22
This morning we are heading back into the Book of 2 Peter 2. We will be finishing off the chapter.
Peter will continue to write about false prophets and false teachers. However, he will also be addressing those that heard the Gospel message and decided to make some outward changes in their life, but never truly gave their life to Christ.
Peter will be addressing how there were those that were Christian in name only, and maybe even just in head knowledge. These imitation Christians that turned around and gave up their walk to follow these false teachers were in worse shape than if they never knew anything about Christ at all.
These Christians in name only, had found freedom in the idea of Christ and were starting to break free from the shackles of sin; only to go back into the prison of sin and chain themselves back to the flesh. These individuals that claimed to be a Christian had never truly changed their nature and were never regenerated with a new life in Christ. So it was easier to fall for the false teachings of the heretics.
****************No Prayer Service tonight*************