1 Timothy 2:1-8
This morning, we are going to be heading back into the Book of 1 Timothy. We will be starting the 2nd Chapter and then closing the service with Communion.
Have you ever had a project, or a problem so big that you just didn't know where to start?
In Ephesus, the church was dealing with a multitude of issues in the church. They were facing internal and external persecution and disputes. There was false teaching that was creating confusion and disunity. There was disarray in the worship services. So how was a young pastor to start to untangle all the mess going on in the church?
Paul is going to share with Timothy what his first go-to move should be---To pray. How Paul asks Timothy to pray may be a bit surprising. In reading the text, I was a bit convicted because my prayer time doesn't necessarily match Paul's instructions.
Next, Paul will discuss why it is that we can pray. We have a Mediator that sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession on our behalf in Christ. What an amazing blessing and gift.
Finally, Paul will instruct Timothy how we should approach prayer:
8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; (2 Timothy 2:8)
Some folks may be thinking "What, lifting your hands in prayer? I thought we had to close our eyes and bow our heads to pray"?
The bible illustrates several different postures to pray, but the posture of prayer is not as important as the posture of our heart in prayer, and that is what Paul was getting at in our text.