Mark 9 052123

May 21, 2023    David Clark

Today we will start out with an update from Corey and Beck Coogin. They are missionaries that we support as a church in Romania.

We will then jump back into the 9th Chapter of the Gospel of Mark. In our text tomorrow morning we will see Jesus taking Peter, James, and John up to the top of a mountain, where they will see Jesus transfigured.

We will see Peter, speaking out of turn again, but who could blame him considering what they were seeing and experiencing on that mountain.

We are going to see Moses, and Elijah speaking with Jesus as He was glowing brighter than an LED light.

How did the disciples know it was Elijah and Moses?

Why was it Elijah and Moses and not some other people from the bible?

Why did Peter want to build tents for everyone?

Will we see Moses and Elijah again in the bible, according to prophecy?

Was John the Baptist the Elijah mentioned in Malachi?